Dear Hermia & Helena… Yours, The Lady Éowyn

Our new advice columnists respond to a cry for help from a Rohan shieldmaiden

Speech marks     Dear Hermia & Helena

It is a sorry day that sees me writing to you in such desperation, but needs must. I am a kinswoman of King Théoden of Rohan, and have been raised to believe in – and embody – the valour and honour of my people.

Yet, despite my courage and competence, I am not permitted to enter battle in defence of my country. I must remain at home, performing domestic duties, which have recently extended to taking care of my uncle, the King. His health is poor, and although I assist him gladly and love him dearly, I wither like a fruit on the vine. I long to take up arms and ride to glory with my kinsmen!

I know not how long I can remain thus caged. Will you offer words of encouragement to a lady who yearns for a life less ordinary?


The Lady Éowyn   Speech marks

Speech marks     Our Dear Lady

We sense that greatness is thy destiny:
Be not afraid, thy time will surely come.
For soon the powers of evil will find thee;
And righteousness to vice must not succumb.
If thou, in peril, fear not to be brave,
A Witch-king dread in battle willst thou slay;
The lives of many allies thou willst save;
And yet a grievous loss will blight the day.
Thy one true love will then be lost from view,
And sadness will o’ertake thee for a while;
Hold on to hope, for love will come anew,
And Éowyn shall soon be found to smile.
……..Now, when you go, let Dernhelm be your name;
……..And vow, our sister, to ride forth to fame!


Hermia & Helena     Speech marks

© Gwyneth Marshman 2018