The Beauty of Books (Part Two)

Lara Edwards looks at a further five benefits of reading that can improve your physical, emotional and intellectual abilities

This article is a continuation of yesterday’s article on the benefits of reading as a hobby and looks at a further five positive benefits that can not just improve your daily life in general, but also improve your physical, emotional and intellectual abilities. So what are the benefits of having reading as a daily habit to improve your wellbeing? Read on to find out more.

Improve your writing skills

This goes hand in hand with the benefit of improving your vocabulary benefit that I discussed in my previous article on reading. Being exposed to well-written published work has a noted effect on your writing skills, as a result of both consciously and subconsciously studying the written word and its fluidity, as well as the tone and writing style of authors. This will all reflect in your own writing style. We learn by looking at the style of others, and their work influences us.

Find tranquillity and peace

In addition to the relaxation and peace that reading can provide, it is also possible to indulge in subjects that bring us tranquillity due to their subject matter. For example, reading spiritual texts can help to reduce blood pressure which is a physical health benefit, and can bring calm and peace to people as well as improving our mental health and wellbeing. Self-help books may also be good for this, and can also be used to help both yourself and others with regards to improving mood.

Enjoy free entertainment

One of the issues with reading is the barrier of cost, as it can be quite an expensive hobby to have. Books can be quite expensive, especially if a collection builds (did I mention that reading can be an addictive pastime?) and the sheer cost of building your own personal library can be offputting.

However, there is no need to own every book you read or wish to read. One of the benefits of your local library is its ability to make reading more accessible to us with countless types of books available to borrow and read at no cost to you. This means that even if you have limited or no budget, there is always plenty to read and discover.

If by any chance you live somewhere where it is not physically possible to access a library, most offer a wealth of materials that can be accessed online using a range of devices.

Libraries aside, there are many resources online where you are able to find free ebooks, so do have a look and see what you can discover.

Something for every taste

One of the wonderful things about reading is the variety of genres available to read, regardless of taste and preference. From sci-fi to historical fiction horror to poetry and drama, graphic novels and non-fiction work, there is always something new to discover and indulge in no matter what particular thing is of interest to you.

I would thoroughly recommend experimenting with various genres to see what new genres appeal to you; even if you have a preferred genre, reading in many different genres keeps the magic of reading alive and keeps you wanting to turn pages.

A digital detox

On a final note, reading is the ideal way for us to disconnect from our devices for a while and lose ourselves in the written word, and help us replenish ourselves. For this reason, I’d definitely encourage you to use traditional, printed books wherever possible.

© Lara Edwards 2021

This article was originally published on the website